Where stories come alive in the surreal valley of nature


‘Learning more about the person behind this particular magical consciousness’

‘Learning more about the person behind this particular magical consciousness’

Who is deelderman?

Arjan Winkelaar (1971) is a draftsman, artist and chaos magician living and working in his home studio in Alkmaar, NH. His artistic journey is infused with surrealistic inspiration and a touch of magic. Self-taught and deeply passionate, Arjan has delved into the mysteries of the art world, making them his own.

His creations are like potions brewed from his boundless imagination, blending surrealism, comic book influences, and a love for drawing. With a penchant for conceptual art and modern masterpieces, Arjan guides viewers through a labyrinth of symbols and dreams with each piece.

Originally embarking on a path in social work, Arjan discovered his true calling in creativity, leaving an indelible mark on the world with every stroke of his pencil and scratch of his ink.

Rooted in timeless imagination and a fascination with the surreal, Arjan’s art challenges the boundaries of the known, inviting viewers to explore the depths of the unknown alongside him.

Embark on a surrealistic journey where reality and dreams intertwine in a captivating symphony. Arjan’s art serves as a portal to a realm where imagination knows no bounds, inviting you to lose yourself in the enchanting unpredictability of his creations.

Experience the seamless fusion of art and magic as Arjan Winkelaar crafts a universe where both coexist harmoniously. His art isn’t just a masterpiece; it’s an invitation to embrace the liberating essence of surrealism and immerse yourself in his brilliantly crafted universe.

Exhibitions (now & beyond)


16/09 – Art Route Alkmaar North. Art route featuring various artists, hobbyists, and other creatives from Alkmaar and its surroundings.

1/05 – 20/06 – Dance in Collage – Group exhibition for the 20th International Festival Jazz Dance Open. Karel Pippich Theatre Chrudim, Pardubice – Czech Republic.


20/07 – 15/11 – Group exhibition ‘Sweet Devotion’ – exploring devotional prints from the past and present. Museum de Mindere, Sint-Truiden – Belgium.

10/09 – Art Route Alkmaar North. Art route featuring various artists, hobbyists, and other creatives from Alkmaar and its surroundings.

2019 – 2020:

1/1 – 31-12 – Centerkom – Group exhibition via Centerkom Artscreens in cafes and restaurants throughout the Netherlands.


1/8 – 23/9 – Group exhibition of European artists at the 21st Art Expo Beijing, Beijing – China.

2015 – 2017:

“Het is gezien” – online exhibition (both group and solo shows).

Words in the (Dutch) media

In een interview over het belang van titels in een kunstwerk vertelt Winkelaar over de tekening 'Tiny people can be cramped into small spaces. Over waar de inspiratie voor deze tekening ontstond en met name waar deze titel vandaan kwam. Allemaal te lezen in het magazine:

Kunstletters, april 2020 (magazine)

'Winkelaar maakt duidelijk pen en potloodtekeningen die veelal gerelateerd zijn aan de natuur. Hij beeldt dieren af, maar ook de mens die het respect voor de natuur uit het oog verliest. Daarnaast laat hij de cyclus van het leven en dood zien.'

The optimist, mei/juni 2019 (magazine)